(All movie clips below are samples from DVD's available for sale at our Andover studio)
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Chin Na (Seize & Control) starting Tuesday, November 7, 7:05 - 8:05 pm Prior experience is not required.
Chin Na is the study of how to control your opponent using joint locks to limit mobility. It attacks acupuncture cavities and other sensitive parts of the body with strikes, grabs, pressure and other techniques and is found in almost ALL martial arts styles.
The following is a sample from the Chin Na In Depth DVD (available for sale at our studio) :
To view the trailer click the PLAY button
Tai Chi Matching Set starting Tuesday, November 7, 7:05 - 8:05 pm Some Tai Chi experience is required.
The 2 Person Tai Chi Matching (akaFighting) Set is a combination of techniques from pushing hands and the solo Taijiquan sequence, and it serves as a bridge connecting pushing hands with martial application. Excellent class for those looking to get a deeper understanding of the martial applications of the solo form.
The following is a sample from the 2-Person Matching Set DVD (available for sale at our studio) :
To view the trailer click the PLAY button
Chi Kung For Health starting Tuesday, November 7, 8:05 - 9:05 pm NO previous experience is required.
The Eight Pieces of Silk/Brocade,known as Ba Duan Jin,is one of the most popular sets of Chinese healing exercises and has been practiced in China for over 1,000 years. These gentle breathing, stretching and strengthening movements activate the Chi ("Qi") energy and blood circulation in the body, helping to stimulate the immune system, strengthen the internal organs and produces abundant energy. Anyone can learn these seated and standing exercises and practice them in as little as 20 minutes.
The following is a sample from the Eight Pieces of Brocade DVD (available for sale at our studio) :